Friday, October 28, 2016

A+ Presentations

Second day of Presentations and I have to say that those who have presented have definitely set the bar really high for the subsequent students. The problems you outlined, along with your explanations and your connections to real  issues that are happening currently in the news and those issues that you have personally experienced, have exceeded my highest expectations. Job well done! Please ensure that you have posted your flash talks. Now I want everyone to log in and respond to at least one of your classmate's post with a positive remark about something that you really enjoyed about their presentation. Your response should not be generic, but should speak to something that stood out to you or that you can personally relate to.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Presentation Day

You were given three days to research your topic relating to issues facing society in regards to the Internet. From that research you were to choose one thing that stood out to you and prepare a two minute flash talk following specific guidelines. The time is here to demonstrate your knowledge of the Internet thus far. Please publish your flash talk or a link to your talk right after you have presented. Make sure that your link is working before you publish. Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Flash Talk

You have been diligently researching your chosen topics and should have zeroed in on the focus of your flash talk. Now it is time to share with your classmates which problem you chose to focus on. Remember that your speech should be approximately two minutes long (roughly 300 words). Follow the guidelines specified in the rubric provided. It is attached to the instructions provided by me. Click here for another copy if needed.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship , Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks.

You have had a day to begin your research on the topic of your choice. You were given the following to choose from: Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship , Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks. From your research thus far, what is your understanding of your Topic.

The Internet and Society

There are several issues facing society right now for which it really helps to understand how the Internet functions in order to have an informed opinion.

There are three main issues that we will be focusing on for the end of Unit: Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship , Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks.


For this project you will prepare a 2-minute “flash talk” related to one of the major issues listed above about the Internet and its effects on people and society. A flash talk is a brief speech or presentation, intended to grab the attention of the audience and convey key information in a quick, insightful, and clear manner.


The purpose of this flash talk is for you to demonstrate your knowledge (thus far) of the Internet and how it works, and to connect that to a relevant topic that has an impact on people and society that you care about.

Who is your audience? Not everyone knows as much about the Internet and how it works as you do now. Your speech should be directed at a person (or people) you care about and who you want to inform about this issue. You should provide them with enough technical detail that they can understand why and how it affects them, and the benefits and drawbacks of responses to the issue.

The Internet is for Everyone

“The Internet is for Everyone” is a memo written by Vint Cerf as a plea to the the people who write and define standards to make sure the way the Internet is engineered maintains the philosophy that the Internet should be available and usable by everyone in the world, regardless of race, gender, creed, location, or wealth.  

In the memo, he lays out the state of the Internet and its usage in 2002, predicts the future, and then presents a series of nine challenges or threats to the idea that the Internet is for everyone. The last several paragraphs begin with the phrase: “Internet is for everyone - but it won’t be if… Here is the first sentence from each of those paragraphs

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if it isn't affordable by all that wish to partake of its services, so we must dedicate ourselves to making the Internet as affordable as other infrastructures so critical to our well-being.  

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if Governments restrict access to it, so we must dedicate ourselves to keeping the network unrestricted, unfettered and unregulated.  We must have the freedom to speak and the freedom to hear.

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if it cannot keep up with the explosive demand for its services, so we must dedicate ourselves to continuing its technological evolution and development of the technical standards the lie at the heart of the Internet revolution.   

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be until in every home, in every business, in every school, in every library, in every hospital in every town and in every country on the Globe, the Internet can be accessed without limitation, at any time and in every language.

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if it is too complex to be used easily by everyone.  Let us dedicate ourselves to the task of simplifying the Internet's interfaces and to educating all that are interested in its use.

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if legislation around the world creates a thicket of incompatible laws that hinder the growth of electronic commerce, stymie the protection of intellectual property, and stifle freedom of expression and the development of market economies.   

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if its users cannot protect their privacy and the confidentiality of transactions conducted on the network.   

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if parents and teachers cannot voluntarily create protected spaces for our young people for whom the full range of Internet content still may be inappropriate.

  1. Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if we are not responsible in its use and mindful of the rights of others who share its wealth.