Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Internet and Society

There are several issues facing society right now for which it really helps to understand how the Internet functions in order to have an informed opinion.

There are three main issues that we will be focusing on for the end of Unit: Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship , Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks.


For this project you will prepare a 2-minute “flash talk” related to one of the major issues listed above about the Internet and its effects on people and society. A flash talk is a brief speech or presentation, intended to grab the attention of the audience and convey key information in a quick, insightful, and clear manner.


The purpose of this flash talk is for you to demonstrate your knowledge (thus far) of the Internet and how it works, and to connect that to a relevant topic that has an impact on people and society that you care about.

Who is your audience? Not everyone knows as much about the Internet and how it works as you do now. Your speech should be directed at a person (or people) you care about and who you want to inform about this issue. You should provide them with enough technical detail that they can understand why and how it affects them, and the benefits and drawbacks of responses to the issue.

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