Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Flash Talk

You have been diligently researching your chosen topics and should have zeroed in on the focus of your flash talk. Now it is time to share with your classmates which problem you chose to focus on. Remember that your speech should be approximately two minutes long (roughly 300 words). Follow the guidelines specified in the rubric provided. It is attached to the instructions provided by me. Click here for another copy if needed.  


  1. The focus of my flash talk is Power and politics for Internet Censorship. I will be talking about how politics and power increase the need for internet censorship

  2. The focus of my flash talk is internet censorship specifically the social norms and morals of the internet. Social norms and morals are basically what is widely accepted on the internet and what is right and wrong. For example one of the topics that is not morally correct and is not a social norm is child pornography which is widely unaccepted on the internet.

  3. the focus of my flash talk is the power and the rights for internet censorship. i will be talking about how powerful is internet censorship and what rights it

  4. The focus of my flash talk is societal norms and morals.

  5. In My Flash Talk I Am Going To Be Talking About Internet Censorship & The Focus Of It Is Security Concerns.

  6. The focus of my topic is breaking barriers and bypassing in regards to net neutrality.

  7. My Flash Talk is focused on internet censorship and how it takes away freedom from others while it does indeed limit criminal activity.

  8. The focus of my flash talk is how Vulnerably DNS is and how this Vulnerability affect government emails.

  9. my focus of my flash talk is Protection of existing economic interests and copyright for internet censorship

  10. The focus of my flash talk will be Internet Neutrality.

  11. my main focus for this flash talk is to talk about how the government does not want certain information to be access to the public.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My main focus for my flash talk is big companies trying to control what we say and/do.

  14. The focus of my flash talk will be about internet censorship and privacy rights of samaritans throughout the network.

  15. The focus of my flash talk is the internet treating data but not necessarily knowing the proper protocols on how to treat it.

  16. The focus of my flash talk is how Censorship is getting in the way on Students and Minors Studies , And how the Internet Is over censored (Mostly in Schools and Library's)

  17. Andrew Miniel
    Flash talk/Internet censorship

    My flash talk is about internet censorship.Many people have their opinions on it but a lot of people don't know what it does or doesn't know what it the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. It may be carried out by governments or by private organizations at the behest of government, regulators, or on their own initiative. Individuals and organizations may engage in self-censorship for moral, religious, or business reasons, to conform to societal norms, due to intimidation, or out of fear of legal or other consequences. My focus is should internet censorship be banned at home. Internet censorship helps kids and blocks malicious websites. It also blocks criminal activity on your computer and other electronics. Sites that include hate speech inciting racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of hatred.Sites seen as promoting illegal drug use (Erowid)Sex and erotic, fetishism, prostitution, and pornographic sites Child pornography and pedophile related sites (see also CIRCAMP)Gambling sites Sites encouraging or inciting violence Sites promoting criminal activity Communist symbols and imagery in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, and Hungary Nazi and similar websites, particularly in France and Germany Sites that contain blasphemous content, particularly when directed at a majority or state supported religion Sites that contain defamatory, slanderous, or libelous content . My opinion is that censorship should be here but only to a certain extent like leave people their right and let people be free on the web.

    1. There was not a clear definition of the term internet censorship but you did an excellent job on focusing on one area. Please ensure that you are suing the rubric when completing assignment. Good Job.


  18. Raise your hand if you have ever had a difficulty while using the internet.As a daily internet user you would have noticed the letters HTTP,Hypertext Transfer Protocol,on a page’s URL. HTTP is the protocol for which is used by the internet for data communication, it is a stateless protocol because it does not rely on the requests that are previously stated by the client but solely on independent commands.It works by the client, which is yourself,requests the information they desire from web servers and the web server returns the infromation requested.However,HTTP does not ensure the security of the data but can encrypt the data and prevent man in the middle attacks,in which an unknown party can transmit or alter the data between the communication of the client, web server, or with another client. Without HTTP no one would be able to use the internet for everyday uses such as social networking websites,researching and information.It is vulnerable to Session Hijacking,the gaining of unauthorized information,Cookie Poisoning,the altering of a small text file created from the web site for a session,and Replay attack, a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed.Due to these vulnerabilities you must not rely your private information on a web page unless it is secure. Furthermore, one should not rely completely on the internet being secure since it does contain flaws.Thus,proving that the internet is for everyone but with its limitations.

    Posted by Claudia Valdez to Ms Wade's Computer Science Class at October 27, 2016 at 8:50 AM

    1. Excellent job on this assignment. You chose one of the more difficult topics and you explained it in a way that we were able to understand. Be careful and use the terminology that is asked of you in the rubric. Do not leave it to the reader to make assumptions on what your positive and negatives are in the talk.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. My topic is Internet Censorship. The subtopic I will be discussing is Power and Politics. Media censorship takes many forms in the way you get your news. While news stories are often edited for length, there are many choices that are made that are designed to keep some information from becoming public. In today’s world of politics people find the need to expose those secrets and accuse officials of corruption. That is why we as a nation need to censor sites criticizing the government or an authority in the country, sites that comment on political parties that oppose the current government of a country, and sites that accuse authorities of corruption. In Vint Cerf’s “The internet is for Everyone,” I learned that the internet won't be for everyone if we are not responsible in its use and mindful of the rights of others who share its wealth. People often abuse the internet because it might always be available not realizing that it is a luxury and some people are not able to access it. Instead they use it for their own personal gain- calling everything corrupt and trying to bring down the government and its officials to boost themselves up.

    Some of the sites that are blocked include:
    Sites that include hate speech inciting racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of hatred
    Gambling sites
    Sites encouraging or inciting violence
    Sites promoting criminal activity
    Nazi and similar websites, particularly in France and Germany
    Sites that contain defamatory, slanderous, or libelous content
    Sites that include political satire
    Sites that contain information on social issues or "online protests, petitions and campaigns

    Posted by Leanna Wells to Ms Wade's Computer Science Class at October 27, 2016 at 9:14 AM

    1. You did a splendid job on connecting your topic to current news and specific topics in the lesson. Excellent job on finding real world connections. Even though the audience may have an idea on what Internet censorship entails make sure that you address this before focusing on your topic.

  21. The topic of my discussion is internet censorship but specifically social norms and morals of the internet. Social norms and morals is a type of censorship but it is a less aggressive way of keeping certain things off the internet. It is geared towards your mind and humanity. Everyone has morals that they live their life by and the same thing applies to the internet. Our morals let us know what is wrong and what is right. Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. With internet censorship you need to consider the content that is being censored and the country you are in. Social norms and morals plays a role in the censorship because in a way we create this type of censorship ourselves. Social filtering is censorship of topics that are held to be antithetical to accepted societal norms. In particular censorship of child pornography and to protect children enjoys very widespread public support and such content is subject to censorship and other restrictions in most countries. In addition the social morals set a kind of standard for every website to follow and for everyone to be aware of. It made the internet a kind of neutral environment. Social norms and morals can be seen today in social media where what is acceptable is plastered on everything. Finding images of someone on Facebook or Instagram is normal now because everyone does it and it’s very common. The social morals keep people in line and make sure that we know the difference between right and wrong. However, social norms can also be determined by the community you are attached to on the internet. The building of social norms and morals has to also do with the amount of trust we give. Take for instance, when we did the routers and everyone could see our messages. Even though we were aware of the fact that everyone could see our messages we still sent them. After a while saying certain things and sending messages to anyone in the room became normal to us and having others see our message became very normal. At that moment we all gave our trust without knowing it because we were following what everyone else was doing. A norm and moral structure was set in the class using the routers. Once we witnessed everyone was doing it and it was not something that violated any type of rule or moral we became comfortable enough to say anything making it normal. My opinion on social norms and morals is that it sets a standard for everything on the internet to uphold. It is there so we don’t stray away from the legal and right thing to do.
    Positive: Sites that include hate speech inciting racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of hatred
    Sites seen as promoting illegal drug use (Erowid)
    Sex and erotic, fetishism, prostitution, and pornographic sites
    Child pornography and pedophile related sites (see also CIRCAMP)
    Gambling sites
    Sites encouraging or inciting violence
    Sites promoting criminal activity
    Communist symbols and imagery in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, and Hungary
    Nazi and similar websites, particularly in France and Germany
    Sites that contain blasphemous content, particularly when directed at a majority or state supported religion
    Sites that contain defamatory, slanderous, or libelous content
    Sites that include political satire
    Sites that contain information on social issues or "online protests, petitions and campaigns.

    Negative: IN some ways this can violate the 1st amendment of freedom of speech and expression.

    Posted by Ashly Dookie to Ms Wade's Computer Science Class at October 27, 2016 at 9:15 AM

    1. Excellent presentation. The only minor thing that I can point out is although you spoke a little about the main topic within the speech, that should have been explained first then you go into what your focus was. Loved your references to the lesson and your positives and negatives.

  22. I chose Internet censorship as my focus of flash talk. Internet Censorship is basically is the act of banning or restricting a URL, most of the time it’s an uncontrolled website but it can also be a private website. The people usually using censorship can be the Government or individuals trying to keep information out of the hands of people who want the truth or unlawful posting. Blocking the internet can bring about beneficial advantages, for example, many people use the internet to transfer drugs locations, it is a place to complete illegal actions without being caught . The people transferring these drugs or places for illegal actions can put this information into little patches of binary code and send it to their consumer . It is left for forensics to try to decipher , but we can end this by censoring these uncontrolled illegal sites . Internet censorship can stop these URLs in their path and end many online illegal activities. In addition to this example people can hack into a website if the website is not secure. So if you use a website that collects your credit card data, they can steal this information that you put into that website. There is also some downsides of Internet Censoring, for example, you can be taking away freedom of speech and the press. Governments can hide you from the truth simply by blocking your IP or redirecting the DNS so you won't be able to view what they don't want you to view, no matter how many proxies you use. Governments can also use propaganda without you knowing the actual truth for example north korea, who censors the internet so you will only see the good in north korea. Businesses also rely on the internet for profit, making earning money a much harder process.

    -Favorite Student

    Posted by George Otero to Ms Wade's Computer Science Class at October 27, 2016 at 9:15 AM

    1. Your explanation of Internet Censorship was in depth and easy to understand. I was not clear about the focus for your speech and you also had some great opportunities to refer to the lesson with some of your details but did not. Overall your presentation was good but pay close attention to what is specifically required to be included.

  23. Age restrictions, removal of inappropriate or sexual content, and filters for sexism, racism, and homophobia are examples of internet censorship. The blockage of social media on school grounds is a common form of internet censorship and many argue against it. However, without this censorship, schools and individuals within that school are at risk. Although productivity and connections may increase, security must be upgraded in order to protect crucial information from being hacked into. In Vint Serf’s “The Internet is for Everyone”, he presents the fact that users cannot protect their privacy and the confidentiality of transactions. Cybersecurity is safe to an extent. Staff will have to push everything aside in order to focus on strengthening security on social media before lifting the ban. On the other hand, work breaks with the usage of social media will refresh students to produce as much work as they can. From routers and IPs, we’ve learnt you can set up any username, whether it be genuine or fake, and harass an individual anonymously until your IP is tracked. Therefore, social media can lead to discrimination over the internet leading to students discouraged from participating or even attending school. The opposing side will still argue that resources are quickly and easily shared between students. However, again citing from “The Internet is for Everyone” the Internet cannot keep up with the explosive demands of its users. This proves that the Internet is a very complex system dealing with various conflicts, meaning filtering certain posts from social media may not happen instantly. This leaves students vulnerable to viewing inappropriate content. Therefore, there are no long term benefits of including social media in classroom or work environments. Without this version of internet censorship, these environments would become unbalanced and unorganized.

    Posted by Nessa Mariscal to Ms Wade's Computer Science Class at October 28, 2016 at 7:12 AM

    1. I loved your introduction and I thought you were going to lead into a brief explanation about the main topic but you did not. make sure you are following the rubric and hitting ever component. Excellent speech.
