Monday, November 21, 2016

Intro to Data

The last project you did (Encoding an Experience) was about organizing and structuring digital data to represent complex information. You did it by thinking about bits. In reality we typically don’t have to break digital data down all the way to bits in order to work with it, but understanding that digital data at its root is just bits gives you insights into working with larger data sets. We are about to embark on a new series of lessons where you will work with real data sets and learn how to use to tools to explore and extract information and knowledge from the data. 

But before we do that, what exactly is data? Explain in your own words.


  1. Data is defined as facts or figures, or information that's stored in or used by a computer. An example of data is information collected for a research paper. An example of data is an email.

  2. Data is information that is collected and stored

  3. The term data is where you have the bits that allows you to access the internet.

  4. The data are numbers, letters or symbols that describe objects, conditions or situations. They are the basic set of facts referring to a person, thing or transaction of interest for different objectives, among others

  5. data is information that is collected and stored

  6. Data is defined as facts or figures, or information that's stored in or used by a computer. An example of data is information collected for a research paper.

  7. Data is basically information that is stored and used in a computer.

  8. Data is a collection of information

  9. Data is defined as facts and stored information

  10. Data can be defined as something that is collected in a specific amount of something that is compiled from a list of things

  11. The term data is information that is collected/stored which can be transferred

  12. data is information that is saved/collected

  13. Data are a hub of information that is stored for further uses. Data can include storing images and files that you can use later.

  14. The Term Data Means A Bunch Of Gathered Information.

  15. Data is raw facts that has not yet being process

  16. Data is information that is collected and saved in a computer to be used

  17. gathering of factual information

  18. Data is information that has various uses and can be compacted alternated or edited.

  19. data is a collection of information and/or storage

  20. Taking information or facts and logging it.

  21. Data is the compilation of all matters of consisting of any assortment of information whether it be binary, photos, texts,etc. That is then stored.

  22. Data is information saved in a computer, containing files and other information

  23. Data is the information stored in compressed states or other formats. For example, the text within a .txt is the data and withing a .rar or .zip, the files kept within that compression are the data.

  24. data is collected and stored information
