Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship , Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks.

You have had a day to begin your research on the topic of your choice. You were given the following to choose from: Net Neutrality, Internet Censorship , Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks. From your research thus far, what is your understanding of your Topic.


  1. protocol vulnerabilities gives an in depth look at the specific layers of internet communications and each individual layers susceptibility towards hacking.

  2. So far I have learned that The DNS protocol consists of different types of DNS messages that are processed according to the information in their message fields.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My topic- Internet Censorship, is about politics and power and I understand that there must be censor ship when it comes to spreading propaganda and corruption

  5. I have learned that internet censorship exists in other countries where the government can block off certain things that come in and out of there country through the internet.

  6. Internet censorship block certain content from the internet which prohibit users from viewing it. The government or internet server may censor content that varies from confidential doc, links that can promote terrorist/violence groups, pornography, explicit material, etc. This is done to benefit user from misleading content but others state that it interfere with user's practice of freedom of speech, press, or expression.

  7. Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. it is controlled by government.

  8. my topic is basically about the norms and morals of the internet. On the internet things like child pornography and racism is something that is deemed not morally correct and is heavily shamed by the community.

  9. Protocol vulnerabilities expose the true intention of some of the internet user and that not every website is not safe or secure.

  10. Internet is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the internet. The extent of Internet Censorship varies on a country to country basis. I learned that individuals and organizations can sometimes engage in self-censorship for moral, religious, or business reasons.

    Jarel Lysius

  11. Net Neutrality is a principle that all internet service provider should have access to all contents without being blocked from any particular website

  12. My understanding of Internet Censorship is that it's what should be allowed on the internet and what can be posted or viewed on the internet. Internet Censorship's has it's pros and cons but it should also let people have there freedom of speech but also censor what is not allowed on the internet.

  13. So Far I Learned That Internet Censorship Is The Suppression Or Control Of What Can Be Accessed Or Viewed By The Internet.

  14. Internet censorship isn't just a parental or governmental tool. There are several software products on the consumer market that can limit or block access to specific Web sites.

    Jose Arroyo

  15. Vanessa Mae: I've learned that Internet Censorship is basically a filter. It controls what content is produced and published publicly. There are certain key things that are unacceptable on the internet such as child pornography, illegal purchases/marketing or anything pertaining to racism or sexism, etc.

  16. So far I've learned that net neutrality is the principal that there should be no blocking of any websites of any sorts.

  17. Net Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle, meaning that the Internet enables and protects free speech. Internet service providers should be compelled to provide us with open networks, not blocking or di

  18. self-censorship can be access, published or viewed on the internet for moral, religious, or business reasons, to conform to societal norms, due to intimidation, or out of fear of legal or other consequences.

  19. Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. It may be carried out by governments or by private organizations at the behest of government, regulators, or on their own initiative.

  20. internet censorship is basically a filter for the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet.

  21. Net Neutrality, is an Internet principle that enables people from saying the things you want to. the service control what you can and can not do.

  22. The internet censorship is basically a censorship that the government or any type of official that these officials do not want you or anyone else to see.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Net Neutrality is a part of the Internet service providers and governments that regulates the internet on how the internet should treat all data

  25. The idea of "Open Internet" is the idea that all resources of the internet can easily be accessed by all individuals, organizations and companies.
