Second day of Presentations and I have to say that those who have presented have definitely set the bar really high for the subsequent students. The problems you outlined, along with your explanations and your connections to real issues that are happening currently in the news and those issues that you have personally experienced, have exceeded my highest expectations. Job well done! Please ensure that you have posted your flash talks. Now I want everyone to log in and respond to at least one of your classmate's post with a positive remark about something that you really enjoyed about their presentation. Your response should not be generic, but should speak to something that stood out to you or that you can personally relate to.
For Matthew's presentation he explained everything in a way I was able to understand. He also related everything to today's world. I also learned some new and interesting things.
I enjoyed Mathew's presentation in that I loved how he connected his project to the incident involving Hilary Clinton's emails.Thus,making me understand his topic easier.
For Matthew's presentation he explained everything in a way I was able to understand. He also related everything to today's world. I also learned some new and interesting things.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed Mathew's presentation in that I loved how he connected his project to the incident involving Hilary Clinton's emails.Thus,making me understand his topic easier.