Thursday, October 27, 2016

Presentation Day

You were given three days to research your topic relating to issues facing society in regards to the Internet. From that research you were to choose one thing that stood out to you and prepare a two minute flash talk following specific guidelines. The time is here to demonstrate your knowledge of the Internet thus far. Please publish your flash talk or a link to your talk right after you have presented. Make sure that your link is working before you publish. Good Luck!


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  3. My topic is Internet Censorship. The subtopic I will be discussing is Power and Politics. Media censorship takes many forms in the way you get your news. While news stories are often edited for length, there are many choices that are made that are designed to keep some information from becoming public. In today’s world of politics people find the need to expose those secrets and accuse officials of corruption. That is why we as a nation need to censor sites criticizing the government or an authority in the country, sites that comment on political parties that oppose the current government of a country, and sites that accuse authorities of corruption. In Vint Cerf’s “The internet is for Everyone,” I learned that the internet won't be for everyone if we are not responsible in its use and mindful of the rights of others who share its wealth. People often abuse the internet because it might always be available not realizing that it is a luxury and some people are not able to access it. Instead they use it for their own personal gain- calling everything corrupt and trying to bring down the government and its officials to boost themselves up.

    Some of the sites that are blocked include:
    Sites that include hate speech inciting racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of hatred
    Gambling sites
    Sites encouraging or inciting violence
    Sites promoting criminal activity
    Nazi and similar websites, particularly in France and Germany
    Sites that contain defamatory, slanderous, or libelous content
    Sites that include political satire
    Sites that contain information on social issues or "online protests, petitions and campaigns

  4. Michael Martinez

    What is Internet Censorship ? Internet Censorship is basically the control action of what is accessed,posted, or viewed on the internet. A big issue that involves the internet is that it may be carried out or controlled by the government or by private individuals. Most people believe that people should have some amount of both freedom and speech and censorship at the same time. Me myself being a user of the Internet i disagree with what the people are saying because we use the internet on a daily basis and most websites have the ability for us to talk about what we want to talk about depending if it does not offend anybody or any group of people which is considered in my opinion being censored because we have in my opinion freedom on the internet it’s just up to the government if what you posted or are viewing should be taken down which is Internet Censorship. The internet is not a place where anything can be private and nobody can see it but it is in the hands of the government that people believe they have no freedom when the government has access to these types of things. Most importantly i believe the government is doing a good job of keeping people safe on the internet and enforcing what Internet Censorship is all about.


  5. Explain the topic or issue,
    There are many issue that the government handled each day, and they are not alway in the room to discuss these issue. So one of the main ways to keep the talks going is to keep records of it via email. All email hosts rely on an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server, which handles outgoing email. If you send an email to someone with an address from a different domain, such as from a .gov address to a .org address, the SMTP server has to ask the DNS to look up the other person’s IP address before it can send the email.

    Explain the societal impacts
    One impact is going on now. With candidate Hillary Clinton. In the last year, it came to light that while in office, Clinton used a private email server in her family home basement rather than a government one for official communications. This meant that national correspondence was left vulnerable to foreign hackers. Clinton has claimed that she was not “technologically sophisticated” enough to understand how emails worked; if that’s true, here’s what she didn’t know.

    Give an informed opinion
    I think that the government should train each member how to code ,use email server and to spot an attack on the web.
