Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Data Collection

Data is all around us. What are some examples of data and give a couple specific reasons as to why someone would collect data.


  1. Data includes, the internet, charts and graphs. Data may be collected surveys, or to keep track

  2. Some examples of data are the internet,graphs,and diagrams. With these examples they collect data so that you can know the information that you want.

  3. data is facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
    green is a color, Florida is a state, 21 is a number

  4. Data is used for graphs charts and internet.It can be used to keep things in check or to keep track.

  5. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

  6. Data is facts, information, and details about certain topics or aspects within a broad spectrum. For example, when making a project, you collect research including dates, graphs, statistics, important events and people, etc.

  7. Data comes in the forms of statistics and charts. It can come in binary forms and is flexible to be stored.

  8. The news and statistics. They are used for analysis.

  9. Data is universal. The reason as to why someone like a business man would collect data is to maintain a business, to help it progress . They can then utilize the data to help keep track of whats beneficial to the company and learning what harms it. So data can be utilized to help maintain progress of the company.

  10. An example of data include statistics and recorded information. One may want to collect data to use it as a reference in future applications.

  11. Some examples of data would be like the internet, graphs and diagrams. They are used for reference or analysis.

  12. Some examples of data are the internet,graphs, diagrams and statistics. Data may be collected surveys, or to keep track of analysis.

  13. Data is located in files, recorded information can be an example of data, my t mobile uses data. You use data on charts and graphs to represent data.

  14. Examples graphs, charts and statistics, people collect data so they can keep track

  15. Data are information that is collected and saved or pre saved on your device. An example of data is when you put extra data or storage on your phone so you can text and make phone calls. Another example of data can be when your teacher enters your graders. Those grades are now considered data and can be used and transferred as pleased.

  16. Data can pertain but is not limited too statistics,graphs,charts,storage,logistics,etc.
    The means behind this is to record,analyze,and store said information.

  17. Data could be defined as charts, inputting grades, or calendar events. Someone would ask me to collect date because they might want to keep track of daily activity or anything else.

  18. Data is information, statistics, graphs, charts, and etc. they are used for analysis.

  19. Data comes in the forms of statistics and charts. to keep things organized or to keep track of things

  20. Some examples of data is documents. saved information from programs. graphs of data recruited from the internet.

  21. Data collection is all over some examples of data are sources, through observation, surveys, observations, specific evidence or arguments forming statics charts and in order to create charts,graphs and/or diagrams

  22. Data comes in graphs or statistics. A reason are to show people the research they've done.
