Monday, November 7, 2016

Encoding Images

Please answer the following:

(K)now: Do you already know something about how images might be encoded?

(W)ant-to-Know:  What would you like to know? What are you wondering about?


  1. I don't know anything about encoding images but I want to know how it is done, and what protocols are used

  2. What I know about encode images is that you can compress an image to make it smaller to send.

  3. they are compressed into 0's and 1's into the binary system just like words. use pixels

    why does it have to be encoded

  4. photos are encoded for versatility and fluidity. i want to know how they are sent and could crash

  5. I don't know anything about encoding images but what I would like to know is how it is done.

  6. I am clueless about how images are included. I want to know what's the process of how an image might be encoded.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. i want to know how its done and sented

  9. What I Know About Encoding Images It's Basically Compressing The Image, Making It Smaller.
    What I Want To Know Is How Exactly Are Images Encoded.

  10. I know Images can be compressed to be able to send easily.

    I would like to know how they are turned from black and white to colored and how the images are transferred from one device to another?

  11. You can compressed by using binary and I would like to know why do we need to encode the image

  12. I do know how images might be encoded but i would like to know how exactly images are encoded.

  13. I am not really sure about encoding imagaes. I want to know the process it takes to making one.

  14. What i know is that images can be compress to the point of being blurred so as to hide certain aspects of the image.

    I would like to know how to completely alter and change the happenings of an image.

  15. They are coded using 0'S & 1'S just like the binary code but with pixels and also using the lossless compression and the lossy compresion I would like to learn how to do it.

  16. I don't know much about encoding images rather than the fact that they are compressed in order to reduce data storage/file size. I would like to know more about if images bounce from one to another in order to get to the receiver's router just like messages do.

  17. I know that they are put into pixels or mb and gb sizes.

    I would like to know how how it all works. Is it a detailed process?

  18. (K) Images can be compress to the point of being blurred to hide a part or aspect of the image.
    (w) I want to how to change a photo and how to edit the pixels of size of the photo.

  19. They cant change the colors of the picture , so that it takes up less space. Or mess around with the pixelation

  20. I do not know how to encode images but I would like to know there process and binary language used to do so.
