Friday, November 4, 2016

Compression Rate

For the last day or so you have been working in Code Studio compressing chunks of text to the achieve the best compression rate possible. Let us test your knowledge.


What is the compression rate, or the compressed text size + dictionary size compared to the original text size. (as a percentage)
Is this a “good” compression rate? Why or Why not?


  1. yes this is a good compression rate because the compress text size is 17 and the original is 58 so to compress it the total would be lower than 43 which would be 41 so yes this is a good compression rate.

  2. The compression text size is reduced drastically in accommodation with a pretty compact and elaborate dictionary the compression rate is up to par.

  3. This is a good compression because it reduced the original text by 74%. This is by way far an efficient way of sending files quickly and saving space.

  4. The compression rate is approximately 25%. This is a good compression rate because most of the things in the text were reduced but probably put back together

  5. The compression rate is 25%. This is a decent compression rate but can be improved to a higher rate.

  6. 43/58*100= 74 so what left is approximately 26% , so yes this was a good compression rate.

  7. This is a some what good compression rate because it reduced the first/original text by around 25.6%. And this is more efficient way to save space and sending files quickly.

  8. 43/58 * 100 = 74 so whats left is 26. This is a good compression rate, the reduces data saves space and makes it quicker to send.

    Favorite student

  9. 26% is the compression rate. I believe it is a decent amount compression because it did compress something and simplified it a bit.

  10. The compression rate is around 25%.

    This is a good compression rate since the majority of the compressed message is represented by Dictionary symbols which can lead one to infer that this is compressed to the utmost extent.

  11. to find the percentage: the total bytes (43) divided by the original text size (58) multiply by 100, then you will get 74.14, then subtract 74.14% from 100 to get the remaining percentage 25.86%.

    It is a good compression rate primarily because the total size of the text after compression is smaller than the original text size

  12. 17 bytes + 26 bytes = 43 bytes, Original text size = 58 bytes
    43/58*100 = 74.1%
    Since it reduces the image about 75%, the data will be successfully reduced down to around 25%. Therefore, this is a good compression rate in order to save space and send data to a receiver quickly.

  13. this is a good compression rate because it reduced the first/original text by around 25.6%.

  14. The compressed text size is 17 bytes
    Dictionary Size is 26 bytes while the original size is 58 bytes.
    Compression rate is 25-26%.
    This is a good compression rate because it reduced most of the text .

  15. 26% I feel that the compression rate is not "good" since it can be more reduced.

  16. 43 DIVIDED BY 58 BECAUSE THEY GIVE YOU THE TOTAL NUMBER OF COMPRESSED TEXT SIZE BEING 17 BYTES AND THE TOTAL OF DICTIONARY SIZE 26 WHEN YOU ADDED IT TOGETHER ITS 43 AND THE ORIGINAL SIZE YOU DIVIDED IT then multiply it by 100 as a result reduces the original text by its 74.137 all in all its not such a great bcause the mored the data is being reduce the less quality it creates
